Tales From the Marysburgh Vortex is a series of eight episodes that tell the story of Josh, a teenager who moves in with his grandmother, Leona. The plays are a coming of age set in current-day Prince Edward County as well as days passed.
Part drama, part comedy, with a dash of mystery, strengthening the bond between generations. The eight episodes have been written collaboratively by three of the counties own writers, Peter Blendell, Rosemary Smith and Elis Ziegler.
Tales From the Marysburgh Vortex
By Peter Blendell, Rosemary Smith, Elis Ziegler
The eight episodes are:
1) The Gaff – Directed by Peter Blendell
2) The Well – Directed by Rosemary Smith
3) Ghosts and Oranges – Directed by Elis Ziegler
4) Soupe du Jour – Directed by Peter Blendell
5) Crazy Rocks – Directed by Rosemary Smith
6) The Wrong House – Directed by Peter Blendell
7) The Curio Shop – Directed by Elis Ziegler
8) Vivi Went Missing – Directed by Peter Blendell
Production members (alphabetical order)
Music Producer – Mark Despault
Co-Sound Producer – Cathy Goddard
Co-Sound Producer – Heather Kirby
Recording Consulting Director – Fred Robinson
Co-Production Producer – Cheryl Singer
Co-Sound Producer – Lenni Stewart